Monday, October 02, 2006

Work the way out

I have been thinking a lot about my job lately and the more I think about it the more I realise that it isn't what I want. It has been pushing me beyond what I thought I was capable, but it doesn't fit, it doesn't make me happy. I see people in jobs that they aren't interested in and I don't want to be like that. I want a job that doesn't feel like a job. That is what it was like the whole time I was in Japan. Everything seems to be pushing me so hard towards teaching, besides the fact that I am studying to be a teacher. I never really thought about what would happen when I got to the end. I didn't think I would actually get into teaching. But I remember the feeling I used to get when finally one of my little Japanese kids understood me and answer in English. Such a rush, I miss that. All I get from my job now is pressure to make sure that my staff are doing the right thing. I don't understand people sometimes. I have sat down with all my staff, trained them all, made sure they are clear of what they have to do, but when I check up there are some many things and they leave the area a mess. I am finding more and more that I spend all Monday trying to clean up the mess they make over the weekend and it is really starting to grate on me. I don't want to let all this bottle up either, I know it will kill me. Plus it put me in a really bad mood for most of the morning this morning and I hate being like that.
Also customers who don't listen. We have instructions behind the computers where customers register. It is a very simple process and most people can do it. But there are always a few who don't listen, don't bother to read the instructions and then wonder why it doesn't work, then when you go to show them they aren't grateful, just rude. It really does my head in.
Anyway, enough of a whinge about work.
I finished my second uni assignment today and sent it to the university. I am happy to have it done, but nervous as well because this was the sticking point for me last year. I have time to change anything and resubmit on line if I need to, but I just want to stop thinking about it.
In less than 2 weeks we are off to Amsterdam and I am really looking forward to getting away from everything and actually enjoying spending time with Andrew and doing some site seeing. There are a couple of museums I really want to check out like the Van Gogh and Anne Frank. Definitely more details will follow of this trip.
I do have to say a big congratulations to my friends Karen and Andrew on their engagement. It is very exciting and I am sure everyone is looking forward to the nuptials, even if most people weren't very surprised that this happened.
Little Lucas isn't so little any more, he is so big, I have included another very gorgeous picture of the little guy.
Life is always more complicated than we think it is. Sometimes I wish I could go back to being a kid where everything was decided for you and your parents were your whole world. I know 'tell her she's dreaming' but I can't help it.

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