Sunday, October 01, 2006

July 2 2006

I have been made to think recently about myself and where I am in life. Obviously I am in England, but I mean looking more deeply.
I read a friends blog with the idea of saviour. Do I need a saviour? It really struck me as it is something that recently I have been really thinking about. I have been quite down recently and not sure how to get myself out of this slump. I think we all need to be saved in some way, whether it be spiritually or quite literally.  I am not quite sure which it is for me. It seems I have lost my sesne of direction, which was so clear to me a few months ago, but now the paths are foggy and I am not sure which direction to take. I know that I a missing something, but I am not so sure I know what that something is. Everything I have in my life is good and I love what is in it, but just not sure whether it is what I really want. I am not quite sure whether I am explaining myself very well, but something is definately missing.
I am not sure if this is linked to how I have been feeling, but I have been having some very full on dreams recently. More like nightmares actually, and I have been waking up quite distressed.
Not doubt these feelings will pass, but I know deep down that this is not something easy to deal with and work through.

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