Monday, December 29, 2008


I had a pretty good Christmas. I spent Christmas and Boxing Day with my flatmates family. It was nice to spend Christmas with a child. My flatmate has a 5 year old niece. She was so excited and ripping into the presents. It made Christmas a lot more fun. I ended up with quite a few little bits and pieces which was pretty cool. But I ate way too much, and lots of Turkey.
Yesterday I rode to Hampton Court Palace and back again. It was a beautiful day riding along the river. But I am a little sore today. Well worth it.
Now I am looking forward to the new year. I am spending New Years eve at a friends place and making our own pizzas which should be quite fun and then watch the fireworks on the tv.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thoughts and changes

I have a lot of time to myself this weekend and I have been usint it wisely. Not only reading, but also spending time thinking about my life and who I am. What do I want to do, who do I want to be?
I have been planning what I want to do next year. It has been a pretty productive time and I am really looking forward to starting a new year.
The last couple of yeasr have been pretty hard and a real roller coaster ride. I am now looking forward to the new year and what will happen. Although I have plans I also realise that life will often throw things at us and turn us around. But that is the exciting thing isn't it, wondering what will happen next.
My biggest goal for next year is improving my mental health. I have spent time so far this year on it and next year will be fantastic. I have never been so excited about starting a new year.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I am not a big fan of being sick, but I know that it is the body's way of telling me to stop and slow down. Get some rest. Which is exactly what I am doing this weekend. Spending time in bed and catching up on my reading which is great because I have a masive pile of books to read and it just keeps getting bigger.

It does mean however that I can't go out carol singing tonight. I was going in to Waterloo train station with some friends to sing and try and raise money for an orphanage in Kenya. The same one I am hoping to spend some time at next year. I even bought Christmas earrings and a hat for the occasion.

It has given me the chance to finish Hillary Clintons autobiography, Living History. She speaks quite candidly about her husbands infidelity and the struggle she went through at that time. I find her an amazingly strong woman with very clear beliefs that she will not waiver on. A woman that I can really admire. Politics is not something I want to do, but her strength and conviction shows me that I can do anything.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


2008 is coming to a close and it is at this time that I start to think about next year.
I always said that there was so much I wanted to do before I turned 30 and that will happen next year. While my close friends are married, some with children I am still single and at this stage am not ready for all of that.
I feel that a change is coming for me next year and I am excited about what that will be. I do not see myself returning to Australia any time soon. I am not ready to do that yet. But do I want to stay in the UK or go somewhere else.
I have no idea what is in store for me next year, but that won't stop me from enjoying the ride.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Its goooooood

Well I have to say that I am feeling pretty good. Very much looking forward to my Christmas break. I am having two weeks off which will be great. I have a stack of books I want to read and start my work on the Enneagram.
I am going to be using my two weeks to look at 2009 and some things that I really want to achieve. One plan I have is to do some volunteer work at an orphange in Kenya that our company donates money to and tries to support. One of our directors has very close links and many friends there. Going to Africa to do some volunteering is something I have thought about doing and the fact that I have a connection to this place would be great. I am sure that many people will warn me from going because of dangers and stuff. But next year I am going to be embarking on a personal journey and this is one step that I really want to take.
I am also going to stop going to the gym for awhile until I have paid off more of my debts and really build up my savings. I am buying my flatmates bike this week which will make up for it, plus I have a cross trainer which will be fun.
I am looking forward to a whole new journey next year and I am really excited about the journey ahead. Who knows where it will take me, but that is the exciting part.
Merry Christmas!