Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thoughts and changes

I have a lot of time to myself this weekend and I have been usint it wisely. Not only reading, but also spending time thinking about my life and who I am. What do I want to do, who do I want to be?
I have been planning what I want to do next year. It has been a pretty productive time and I am really looking forward to starting a new year.
The last couple of yeasr have been pretty hard and a real roller coaster ride. I am now looking forward to the new year and what will happen. Although I have plans I also realise that life will often throw things at us and turn us around. But that is the exciting thing isn't it, wondering what will happen next.
My biggest goal for next year is improving my mental health. I have spent time so far this year on it and next year will be fantastic. I have never been so excited about starting a new year.

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