Sunday, October 01, 2006

February 14 2006

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.Nothing much has been happening around here to report on. I took a bus into the city last week and went passed the University of Manchester. This uni is massive. It goes for most of the way between where we live into the city. It looks very much like Sydney Uni with the old sandstone buildings and a long tradition. I believe it is the largest university in Europe, though I could be wrong in that. The parts that are nearest to where we live are quite modern and obviously added to over the years as the university expanded. Then the Manchester museum is stuck right in the middle of the uni. As you go down the street you could easily miss it as it housed in the unversity buildings.The main bus route that is a 1 min walk from our place is the busiest bus route in Europe, Wilmslow Rd, if it ever comes up as a trivia question. Which is great if you live on this bus route because it means that there are buses going pretty much everywhere every couple of minutes. If you stand at the bus stop long enough then you will pretty much see all the different places a bus will go to, not that I have ever been that bored, but I was waiting for a bus the other day and noticed that they went all over the place.

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