Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Olympics

The Beijing Olympics are over. Well the closing ceremony is still going. I always thought this was supposed to be a party. Not so much a party than an Opera. But beautiful none the less.
I have to say I did have a little tear when the flame went out. Although these games were not as successful for Australia, I still think we did damn well considering how small a population we are. We were only two medal behind Great Britain who did freakishly well. Good for them. Plus being here I don't hear the end of it. I think the highlight for me was watching an Australian beat the Chinese in the diving, go Matthew Mitchum.
I am hoping that my cousin will be at 2012. Trampolining may not be a massive sport, but it is great watch, along with gymnastics and diving, my favourite sports of the Olmpics.
I was a little disappointed with the London show preparing us for 2012. The least Beckham could have done was kicked the ball around a little bit and then boot it into the crowd. I wonder if he will be at London 2012. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
I would love to be here in London for 2012. That will make 2 Olympic games in 12 years. Shit 12 years, how scary is that. Not sure if I want to volunteer for those ones. Thinking about a 12 year difference just makes me feel really old.
The party has started in Beijing, with Jackie Chan singing. He certainly has many talents.
Go London 2012, C'mon Australia.

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