Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have my website online. www.bronsaccessories.com
Check it out when you have a chance and let your friends know about it. I am still working on a couple of things, but they should be worked out this week. I didn't do it all myself, I had some help from my boyfriends mate Dan. He is good with this sort of thing. I am really proud of my website. I just hope something comes of it and I can make some money. It is great to finally be using my creative side. Unfortunately jobs aren't going so well. After I quit my job I have been doing some temp work, not as much as I was hoping I would which really sucks so money is really tight at the moment. I am looking at other things and am focusing on part time jobs. I still cook BBQ's at Daytona, and I have applied for some part time work at a couple of pubs as a waitress, bar staff. We will see what happens. I just need to get some things up and running. So I am a bit stressed at the moment, but happier than when I was doing a job I didn't enjoy.

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